Hertford Methodist Church seeks to serve God in Hertford and the wider world through love and fellowship
Summer is here! I hope that you have been able to enjoy the
weather in some form or another. Near me, I hear the lawnmowers
and other garden tools running, usually early in the morning or later
evening as it cools, snatches of conversations, and dogs barking. And
then there are the snippets of birdsong and chatter of the magpies.
It is amazing how much is going on around me – nothing remarkable,
just people and creation simply being themselves. It is a joyful noise
(most of the time, anyway).
This phrase appears in the opening verse of Psalm 100: " Make a
joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth ". It is one of my go-to verses
to encourage congregations and groups of people when worried about
sounds during worship or equivalent situation.
I am not being flippant – the verse says to make a joyful noise
(shout, blast are other possible translations of the Hebrew).
Harmony and tuning are lovely, but sometimes we need to just make
a joyful noise to God – with our capacity and abilities at that
Making noise can liberate things because it does not require anything
more of us than to be noisy...joyfully...and to aim that noise in God's
direction. As the psalm continues (all five verses), we sense how that
initial shout can lead us to worship with gladness. To know and
acknowledge that God is God and that we are God's people.
And yet making a joyful noise can also be the hardest thing to do at
times. It is important to recognise that, and it is where we need to
look out for each other and be prepared to be a little bit noisier
until our neighbour is ready to join in again. Sometimes just making a
noise is necessary too, whether that be one of lament, pain, anger, or
frustration, as long as we are directing the noise to God and then
being prepared to wait and listen for God's response. The
reassurance here is in the last verse, " For the Lord is good; his
steadfast love endures forever and his faithfulness to all
I encourage you to seize the opportunities to make a joyful noise to
God and listen out for how others and creation are making their
joyful noise.
Yours in Christ
Revd. Marcia Tull
Minister - Revd. Marcia Tull - marcia.tull@methodist.org.uk