Hertford Methodist Church seeks to serve God in Hertford and the wider world through love and fellowship
Room Hire - enquiry@hertfordmethodist.org.uk
Name | Category | Website | Local Organiser | Phone | |
Bounce Back Exercises | HEALTH RELATED | Beth Boxall | 07888 912579 | beth@bouncebackexercise.com | |
U3A Spanish | MISCELLANEOUS | Patricia Diez | 01920 463515 | patriciafdiez@hotmail.co.uk | |
U3A Latin | MISCELLANEOUS | Tony Holbourn | 01992 300663 | aholbourn9@gmail.com | |
Tai Chi | HEALTH RELATED | Liz Welch | 01992 550405 | liz@lizwelch.co.uk | |
Guardians' Support | HEALTH RELATED | Emma Wright | 07870 370879 | emma.wright@hertfordshire.gov.uk | |
Dance Fit | HEALTH RELATED | https://jacqui-smith.net/dance-with-dani/ | Jacqui Smith | jacqui.t.smith@gmail.com | |
U3A Folk Group | MISCELLANEOUS | Charles Hinde | 01992 587633 | jhinde888@gmail.com | |
NHS Tai Chi | HEALTH RELATED | Fiona McArdle | 07496 829362 | fiona.mcardle@aitc.org.uk | |
Parents and Toddlers | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | Anne Hirst | annehirst@ntlworld.com | ||
2nd Hertford Rainbows | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/ | Lin Harrington | lin.2ndhertfordrainbows@gmail.com | |
2nd Hertford Brownies | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/ | Sonia Cousins | brownowl@2ndhertfordbrownies.org.uk | |
Aerobic Fitness | KEEP FIT GROUPS | Angela Tranter | 07843 100810 | john.tranter4@btinternet.com | |
U3A Gardens 2 | U3A GROUPS | https://www.hertfordu3a.org.uk/ | Pauline Cox | 01992 586378 | p.cox14@btinternet.com |
U3A French 2 | U3A GROUPS | https://www.hertfordu3a.org.uk/ | Brian Gladding | b.gladding@ntlworld.com | |
U3A Guitars | U3A GROUPS | https://www.hertfordu3a.org.uk/ | Anne Egan | anne.egan1@ntlworld.com | |
U3A Yearning to Sing | U3A GROUPS | https://www.hertfordu3a.org.uk/ | John Roberts | 01992552916 | johnroberts88@hotmail.com |
Baby Boo-Bears | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | https://www.babyboo-bears.co.uk/ | Carly Chambers | info@babyboo-bears.co.uk | |
Hertford Contact Centre | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | Michelle Husband | hertfordcontactcentre@yahoo.co.uk | ||
Foster Carers Support | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | Pam Goodwill & Heather Baxter | Pam.Goodwill@hertfordshire.gov.uk | ||
Mini Mozart | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | Emma Hanlon | emma@minimozart.com | ||
Kumon | CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE | https://www.kumon.co.uk | Tracy Raynor | pkraynor@yahoo.co.uk | |
Carers in Herts | HEALTH RELATED | www.carersinherts.org.uk | Laura McGrath | Laura.mcgrath@carersin herts.org.uk | |
Hertford Aphasia | HEALTH RELATED | https://www.stroke.org.uk/finding-support/clubs-and-groups | Clare McLaughlin | contact@saymoreslt.com | |
Macular Society | HEALTH RELATED | https://www.macularsociety.org | Ron Barnett | macsoc@rjbarnett.co.uk | |
Slimming World | HEALTH RELATED | https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/group/441101 | Donna Archer | 07791 200764 | donna@hamelsmansion.co.uk |
AA Mondays and Wednesdays | HEALTH RELATED | https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/aa-meetings/find-a-meeting | Frances Connolly | ||
AA Friday Discussion | HEALTH RELATED | https://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/aa-meetings/find-a-meeting | Maureen Wheeler | ||
CA Archway to Freedom (Tuesdays) | HEALTH RELATED | https://meetings.cocaineanonymous.org.uk/meetings/?tsml-region=hertfordshire | |||
CA Thursdays | HEALTH RELATED | https://meetings.cocaineanonymous.org.uk/meetings/out-from-under/ | Sean Higgins | ||
CA Saturday Men's Breakfast | HEALTH RELATED | https://meetings.cocaineanonymous.org.uk/meetings/breakfast-with-the-boys/ | Gary Aldridge | ||
CA Sundays | HEALTH RELATED | https://meetings.cocaineanonymous.org.uk/meetings/out-from-under/ | Sean Higgins | ||
Hertford Reading Group | MISCELLANEOUS | Reg Harman | reg.harman@ntlworld.com | ||
Family Group Conference | MISCELLANEOUS | Gill Camera | gcamera@live.com | ||
Lygean Community Band | MISCELLANEOUS | Anne Hirst | annehirst@ntlworld.com | ||
Hertford Chamber Choir | MISCELLANEOUS | https://www.hertfordchoral.org.uk/hertford-chamber-choir | Manvinder Rattan |